The vast number of items expands the possible strategies to use your success is based on how well you can use them, as it should be. You can also take along a horse or ATV to get around faster, and even a hunting blind or tree stand to keep you even more invisible.

Attractants such as scent sprays and calls are available, along with a map or GPS so you don't get lost.
You can carry two weapons on your hunt (both with unlimited ammo, although you have to reload manually), plus several other items. There's really a sense of accomplishment to creating your own weapon and bagging your first buck with it. (I know: positively unfair.) Customization is a breeze, and extremely fun in its own right. Touch it up with your choices of scopes, ammunition, and calibration of distance, and before you know it you've got something like my Ghost Rifle: a 5-round auto-loading rifle with a thermal scope with ammo calibrated to 300 meters.
You can then skin it how you wish, editing PNG files that install with the game.

You can't make something from absolute scratch (no rocket launchers or miniguns or anything), but you can use any type of gun as a template. Beyond the official weapons, you can create your own. There are 17 weapons that ship with the game, from the old-school like recurve bows to hi-tech gadgets like a bolt rifle with a thermal scope. After selecting your hunting ground, you get to choose your weapons, and that's where DH2005 really shines. While that doesn't sound like much, all the bucks also have a myriad of rack configurations, so you'll probably not see the same buck twice.

Each location aside from the target range has one species of deer, and there are five species in all.
The game ships with six locations (plus a target range), but you can download a free map editor from the official website. (In fact, it's not uncommon to have to make a couple hunters as you get used to how all the skills and your personal style affect gameplay.) Once your hunter is selected, you can head into the locations list. You can effectively customize your avatar to suit your style, and you can easily feel the effects of good or bad combinations. More points are gained from various methods, such as bagging a world record buck of every species, playing a lot of game-hours, and so on. Add points to the Weapons category to reduce weapon shake, for example, or to the Calling category to increase the accuracy of your calls. It's not like the thing is as detailed as The Sims 2, but you'll probably find something there you'll like.Īfter that, you'll get to assign 15 skill points into various categories, much like you would in an RPG. You can choose from a small range of models and skins for your avatar, male and female alike. To get started for your hunting career, you need to make a virtual hunter to represent yourself. DH2005 attempts to draw the player in by offering customization not seen in most hunting games, and Atari gets it right again here. Once the main menu loads, you'll get a very clean, very effective presentation of buttons to go into your hunters list, trophy room, options, and so forth.

You're treated to upbeat country music to get you in a sufficiently redneck mood. Deer Hunter: The 2005 Season gets it right immediately. It's pretty obvious what the point of any given deer hunting game is, so of course quality is almost wholly based on how well the premise is given. There's something to be said for a game that, while simple in premise, can still deliver strong. While any game with the word "Tycoon" in the title is generally pretty bad and are getting worse gameplay-wise year by year, hunting games seem to be getting better and better.